Frequently Asked Questions
Find your answers to frequently asked questions about The Shepherd’s Well.
The Shepherd’s Well does not have a physical location. We hold day retreats at different venues in the Cleveland area.
Day retreats are complimentary, there is no cost to attend. We do charge $100 to attend a weekend retreat, with The Shepherd’s Well covering the remaining lodging and meal costs.
Retreats are specifically for mothers and female caretakers of special needs children, offering them respite and refreshment from the challenging demands they face on a daily basis.
The Shepherd’s Well does not provide child care. The retreats are specifically for mothers and female caretakers of special needs children only.
The Shepherd’s Well offers 4-5 day retreats per year at different venues in the Cleveland area.
Weekend retreats are held 4-5 times a year depending on the partnering Bed & Breakfast calendar.
Yes. You must register for day retreats so we can plan for food and supplies, even though there is no cost to the registrant. Weekend retreats are limited to 6 moms per retreat and registration is required. Retreats will be promoted via email and the website.