Founders and Board Members
Meet Our Board

Jane Cawley
I am the mother of three and a proud grandmother of seven. My journey in life took a transformative turn when our second granddaughter was born medically fragile and with special needs. With our granddaughter’s birth, I was introduced to a new community of families–families that were navigating similar challenges.
I observed first hand the unique struggles and tireless dedication of these families, especially the moms, giving everything they had, 24/7, for their special needs children. Out of compassion for these moms, and after much prayer and consultation with others, I developed a vision to create an organization focused on supporting and empowering these mothers, providing them with the community, rest, and refreshment they need.
The Shepherd’s Well was “dug” and continues to provide a refreshing oasis to these precious special needs moms.

Sarah Cawley
Shepherds Well is a beautiful example of how God causes all things to work together for good! He has used my daughter Meghan's life to change, mold and shape us into who He wants us to be.
Meghan’s Grammie Jane saw a need in my life as a special needs mom for support, encouragement, rest, and the living water that only Jesus can provide.
Through inspiration from the Holy Spirit, a vision was cast, and the Shepherds Well was dug. What a blessing to witness the many mamas that have been ministered to as we walk the path God has called us to, caring for our special needs children.

Carol Klekota

Casey Wright

Kathy Zentner

Melissa Farnsworth

Shawnda Boysel

Sherri Swann